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It started with a peach tree.

Growing up, my parents always had some sort of garden. Our backyard came with a cherry tree, an apricot tree, and two peach trees. The peaches were my favorite, so when I grew up and bought my own house, one of the first things I did was plant a peach tree in the backyard. I didn’t know the first thing about taking care of a fruit tree. Heck, I didn’t know the first thing about growing anything at all, but I knew I could learn things and I really wanted to have fresh, homegrown peaches.

We did almost everything wrong when we planted that first little stick of a peach tree. We broke sprinkler lines while digging a hole for it. We planted it too deep. Put it in the middle of the lawn with no mulch around it. Never even thought about fertilizing it or the best way to prune it or wrapping it for the winter. Somehow, despite all odds, that tree lived and grew, and just a few years later we got our first real harvest. That little tree produced so much fruit that I didn’t know what to do with it all. We ate fresh peaches and bottled them and gave them away, and then gave more away.

I was hooked.

Since then, I’ve learned A LOT about gardening. In addition to our little peach tree, we now have an apple tree, a pear tree, a pomegranate bush, two kinds of raspberries, a few varieties of strawberries, a serviceberry bush, three varieties of grapes, and we’ve grown more fruits and vegetables than I can even remember right now. And we do it all on less than a 1/10th of an acre.

If I could go back ten years knowing what I know now, I would probably have done things a little differently when we first planted that peach tree. I could have saved myself years of futile weeding, failed attempts at vegetable gardening, and a lot of blisters. My peach tree might be a little healthier and straighter than it is now. (It’s a little lopsided due to lack of pruning and thinning, and an overly productive fruit year.) I worked really hard back then, but at all the wrong things. My backyard was just a stretch of brownish, weedy lawn and a concrete pad. The only time I ever spent out there was to mow and weed. Now we have a gorgeous, magical yard full of flowers and delicious produce that we eat almost year round.

We want that for you, too.

That’s why we’re here. That’s why we’re doing this. Because gardening shouldn’t be all work and no payoff. Because our outdoor spaces can be a retreat – a haven – from the stresses of everyday life. Because when we take care of nature, nature takes care of us.

I still love that peach tree, just the way it is. It still produces tons of the most delicious, magical peaches you’ll ever eat. It might be a bit lopsided, but it reminds me of our journey to get where we are. We would love to help you start your own gardening journey, so book a consultation today!

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